Monday, September 1, 2014

Enemy of the State


An 18-year old man lies lifeless in the middle of an American street.  Shot to death by a city police officer. 10 shots. 6 hit. 4 hours pass and no medical attention is given. No CPR. No EMT. No remorse. In the span of one summer day, a community dealing with frustration and a feeling of helplessness, responds with peaceful protest, which in hours transforms into CHAOS. Interestingly enough, while some voices speak out against this murder by irresponsible hands of the law --- others appear to applaud the officer for "good police work", minus the protection and service promised to all citizens. With this type of support the flames of brutality and murder are fanned until they burn to the country's core. And so the old story goes...No arrest is made. The policeman goes into hiding. Now the people WAIT on justice. WAIT.


A 40-year old American man is executed in a Syrian desert. As an accomplished photojournalist, he dedicated his life to bringing the images of middle eastern life, politics, and conflict into world view. Unfortunately, this work came to a screeching hault 2 years ago when he was captured by an Islamic militant group, and held for ransom with fate pending on his home country's willingness to negotiate. However, America is a country that does not negotiate with it's enemies, on any terms.  And so the man is executed and now a country is forced to mourn another tragic loss of American life. Angered by this act, the American public proclaims that something be done immediately (military action of course) to avenge the horrific death. A certain sect of citizens even criticize the President for failing to seek compromise with the extremist group in exchange for sparing the journalist's life; remember AMERICA DOES NOT NEGOTIATE WITH ENEMIES. The people demand justice now. RIGHT NOW.

10 days.

It only took 10 days to rock the United States on its moral balance.

Only 10 days.

2 humans. 2 men. 2 Americans. 2 innocents. 2 executions - both at the hands of recklessly violent acts. Both gone forever. And regardless of any surrounding circumstance,  in spite of anything the victims might have done the night before, or in the minutes leading up to demise, neither death comes with righteous justification

BUT. An unfortunate truth currently exists in this society which we live. Because at this very moment. More than any other time before. It's been made crystal clear: WE love our Heroes, but we hate our enemies. In this truth, there will be those that will mourn the death of some, while cheering the death of others -all the time acknowledging one persons right to live, while denying the same right to another. So in instances like the ones presented above, how can there be difference in the deserving when both people have met a similar fate? How is there room to waver when the outcome is the same in both cases? Now, like many times before, we see a strange, subjective criteria being applied to situations of this kind, which draws a separative line between who should die and whose life is valuable enough to maintain. In August 2014, the line was drawn again; and it only took 10 days to get it done.

We love our Heroes, but we hate our enemies. Enemy - one who actively opposes or demonstrates hostility towards someone or something. An enemy's sole existence is based on a mission to harm and destroy. Ironically, a large majority of "so-called" enemies don't even fit this description, but are actually figments of perception, born out of personal prejudice, insecurity, or guilt from previous transgressions. Along with fear and ignorance, these are the pieces that typically prompt the creation of a perceived enemy. As we know, any threat to the establishment automatically becomes an object of hate. And once hate enters the picture all bets are off, for hate will fuel man to the point where he will go to great lengths to extinguish an adversary. Without respect, regard, or remorse.

We love our heroes, but we hate our enemies.  But even in the midst of the most horrid disdain for an enemy, there will still be room to love the heroes. The world hated Foreman severely, but adored Ali to no end. The Joker was the epitome of a villain, but Batman won the people's praise.  Hero - one of distinguished courage or ability, admired for brave deeds and noble qualities. Heroes are regarded because they represent hope, dreams, and possibility. They embody everything we aren't, plus all of the things we want to be. To have a hero is to have someone to revere and model your own life after. To know a man is to know his heroes, and in most situations,  heroes will look like their admirers, come from where they come from, and speak their language. Of course, a hero could come in the form of a family member, friend, or random entertainer, but no matter the capacity, the loyalty shown towards them is undisputable. Regardless of the situation, whether it be in right, wrong or indifferent, people will ride for their heroes until the wheels fall off, creating room for major disaster when loyalty jades morality and righteousness.

Back to the matter.

An unarmed American dies is executed. One cant help but wonder what the officer saw with each pull of the trigger...They say he didn't see stolen cigars. Nor did he see any marijuana. High school diploma? Nope. College class schedule? Nah. So what did he see? What instigated each shot from that gun? Did he see the unarmed kid as a physical threat because of his size? Possibly. Or did he simply see an enemy based on something he learned from his heroes? Likely. Of course at this point we dare not infer race as a player during this new "post racial" period, so hypothetically, what if color was really the only thing he saw? In an instant, could the kid simply have become an enemy of perception based on racial biases? Each shot delivered without respect, regard, or remorse. AMERICA DOES NOT NEGOTIATE WITH ENEMIES. ON ANY TERMS.

We love our heroes, but we hate our enemies.

An unarmed American is executed. But what could the extremist executioner have possible seen in the moments prior to committing the murderous act? I'm sure he didn't see a stellar journalism resume from years past. He probably didn't see images of family and friends here in the states? So what could he have seen? What prompted this militant group to kidnap an innocent man, hold him for 2 years, and then video his murder. Did they simply see an American? Or was the taking of this innocent life seen as retribution for decades of America imposing its interests on the natives. Yet, AMERICA DOES NOT NEGOTIATE.

Now America must choose.

In the days following the journalist's death, there is an outpour of respect for his life and body of work.  Words like true American, martyr, and brave are being used to describe who he was to those that don't know him personally.

On the other hand,

In the aftermath of the young man's murder, the response has been far different. From the initial failure to dispatch emergency services as the body lay in the streets from multiple gunshot wounds, to the submission of incomplete incident reports, there has been a total lack of regard for this American youth's life . Yet, despite the tragic conclusion,  America chooses to make him a deserving enemy -- referring to the teenager as a criminal, thug, aggressive, druggie - all of the things America hates.

Scenarios like these confirm how heroes and enemies are usually predetermined, not by true hostile activity, but instead by elementary elements, such as gender, race, and social class. And even more interesting is how the predeterminations leads to different responses. As the people wait for justice, the establishment goes into overdrive building a case to show how this 18 year-old kid earned his murder. Instead of showing respect, remorse, or regard, there has been an immediate hunt to find as much negative propaganda to justify his killer's action. Conversely, because the journalist was not a perceived enemy of the state, but instead was victimized by an enemy, there has been no call for a look into his past. As a chosen one, there is no need to confirm if he ever had a run in with the law or if he ever did drugs? Out of respect for heroes, these things become less important; BUT, I'm sure that despite of what the establishment thinks, there are those that really don't give a damn about heroes and have found more than enough reason to justify the murder of innocent Americans. Go figure. ENEMIES DON'T NEGOTIATE WITH AMERICA I guess.

It has taken these 10 days for me to realize the contradictions that stand before us. We are taught to believe that the land is for the free, that all men are equal, that we will be protected and served, and liberty and justice will be available to all. We all trust without limit, only to find out that these offerings are conditional, and accessible to some. Some of us are living in lands where the freedom is scarce and equality is based on economical status or race. The existence of these contradictions undoubtedly serve as a catalyst for division. A division based on the differences that create misunderstanding. And historically, that which is not understood becomes an object of hate. But caution should be given when cheering for heroes and terrorizing perceived enemies, because there may be a true enemy lurking with his own set of heroes for whom he's willing to die. Never forget that Karma is definitely a bitch and she could blow at any moment. AMERICA NEGOTIATES WITH AMERICANS? The people are still waiting.

Righteousness has no race -- neither did this writing. But I'm sure you can fill in the blanks. 

                                                                                                                                  --- BG

Rest In Power,

Michael Brown
Eric Garner
Ezell Ford
James Foley
Dante Parker
Jonathan Ferrell
Renisha McBride
Oscar Grant
Kajieme Powell


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