Men and women have had to evolve in general to meet the needs of their families, job expectations as well as the aging population (parents and extended families). So to say the millennium woman is too INDEPENDENT and having a negative impact on the circle of life, I would say is just not TRUE. I would convey that she is simply meeting the demands of society – picking up the slack, standing in the gap, if you will, to be a help mate and soul mate as God design. But when the needs in society are not being met or order followed for whatever reason, the new age- EVOLVED woman is ready, not wanting anyone to lack, hurt or be left behind (all things considered). So when the order is reset, the balance is restored for her to only assist, give her a break if it takes her a minute to dial it down.
Men and women have had to evolve in general to meet the needs of their families, job expectations as well as the aging population (parents and extended families). So to say the millennium woman is too INDEPENDENT and having a negative impact on the circle of life, I would say is just not TRUE. I would convey that she is simply meeting the demands of society – picking up the slack, standing in the gap, if you will, to be a help mate and soul mate as God design. But when the needs in society are not being met or order followed for whatever reason, the new age- EVOLVED woman is ready, not wanting anyone to lack, hurt or be left behind (all things considered). So when the order is reset, the balance is restored for her to only assist, give her a break if it takes her a minute to dial it down.